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The Sales Edge Podcast

Dec 26, 2023

Kick Start Your Sales Team for 2024 - A sales team kickoff is usually done in January each year. Business Coach, Joe Pici, helps you structure a successful sales meeting that will help boost morale, build team trust and rapport, increase customer loyalty, and ensure that the entire organization embraces sales goals...

Dec 19, 2023

An Effective End of Year Business Review - Create a better future. Business coach, Joe Pici, shares an in-depth assessment for business owners & individuals. Strategize for a stronger 2024 with a transparent look at 2023.

Dec 12, 2023

Could A Podcast Help Your Business? Internationally successful podcaster, Joe Pici, shares his best tips for starting one of your own. Podcasting is an ideal platform for sharing your expertise and providing value for existing and potential clients.

Dec 5, 2023

Find the Winning Edge. There is no substitute for focused efforts in business and in sports. Business coach & former football coach, Joe Pici, compares characteristics of Super Bowl winners, Philadelphia Eagles, with the skill sets essential for building winning sales teams. 

Nov 28, 2023

Working with Your Spouse- INTERVIEW Business coaches Bristan & Letondra Heaven who are also Founders of Kingdom REACH Leadership and E3 Ministries, equip and empower marketplace leaders with strategies to maximize their potential, multiply their God-given influence for the Kingdom of God, and provide actionable ideas...