Jul 29, 2021
Getting things done raises self-esteem and moves you closer to your dreams. Joe Pici helps you get that endorphin rush that kicks in whenever you check something off your to-do list.
Jul 27, 2021
Reach ‘Unreachable’ Decision Makers! You’ll learn a lot from a guy who has been successful in the tough industry of medical sales. Shop talk with Grady Gibbs will give you a sure fire road map for getting in front of elusive prospects.
Jul 22, 2021
Joe Pici helps you build your self image though multiple ways to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses thru enhanced self-discipline.
Jul 20, 2021
Are You Expecting a “NO” - Shop talk INTERVIEW with lead generation expert, Joe Ponds who will help you improve your lead generation process and help you get more “YESSES”
Jul 15, 2021
Joe & Dawn Pici have made lost of mistakes - Joe shares how to turn a mistake into part of your learning process instead of a stumbling block.